Introduction to GraphQL

Introduction to GraphQL Courseware (GQL101)

This comprehensive course on GraphQL is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the GraphQL query language, its core concepts, and practical implementation techniques. Through a combination of theoretical explanations, hands-on labs, and real-world examples, participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to effectively design, build, and consume GraphQL APIs.

Publisher: WatzThis?


  • Understand the fundamentals of GraphQL as a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries.
  • Gain proficiency in writing GraphQL queries.
  • Learn how to implement GraphQL using JavaScript.
  • Explore the tools and libraries available for working with GraphQL on the server-side and client-side, including Apollo Server, Apollo Client, AWS Amplify, and Relay.
  • Develop the skills to design a GraphQL schema, define object types, query types, and mutation types.
  • Master the art of writing resolvers to fetch data from different sources and efficiently resolve the values of fields in GraphQL queries.
  • Understand the concepts of mutations and how to handle data modification operations in GraphQL.
  • Apply best practices for schema design, versioning, performance optimization, and security considerations in GraphQL implementations.
  • Gain hands-on experience through labs and practical exercises to reinforce the concepts learned throughout the course.
  • Acquire the knowledge and confidence to build and consume GraphQL APIs in real-world development scenarios.




  1. Introduction to GraphQL
    1. What is GraphQL?
    2. GraphQL as a query language for APIs
    3. GraphQL as a runtime for fulfilling queries
  2. How Does GraphQL Work?
    1. Query structure and syntax
    2. Data shape matching
    3. Example query and response
  3. Implementing GraphQL with Various Programming Languages
    1. JavaScript and Node.js
    2. Go
    3. PHP
    4. Java
    5. Other supported languages
  4. Tools and Libraries for GraphQL
    1. Apollo Server
    2. Apollo Client
    3. AWS Amplify
    4. Relay
  5. Lab 1: Getting Started with Apollo Server
    1. Setting up Apollo Server
    2. Creating a basic GraphQL schema
    3. Writing resolvers for data fetching
  6. Exploring GraphQL Schemas
    1. Understanding object types, query types, and mutation types
    2. Anatomy of a type
    3. Basic data types and list types
  7. Query and Mutation Types
    1. Defining entry points to the schema
    2. Passing arguments to queries and mutations
  8. Lab 2: Using Apollo Studio
    1. Exploring Apollo Client
    2. Integrating Apollo Dev Tools for debugging and monitoring
    3. Utilizing Apollo Studio Explorer for schema design and testing
  9. Lab 3: Creating a Client
    1. Setting up a client-side application
    2. Connecting to data sources
    3. Querying and displaying data using Apollo Client
  10. Connecting to Data Sources
    1. Creating data sources for resolvers
    2. Fetching data from databases, APIs, and other sources
  11. Lab 4: Connecting to a Data Source
    1. Implementing data sources for resolvers
    2. Fetching data from a database or external API
  12. Creating Resolvers
    1. Understanding resolver functions and their role
    2. Implementing resolver functions for various fields
  13. Lab 5: Creating Resolvers
    1. Writing resolver functions for different fields in the schema
    2. Handling complex data fetching requirements
  14. Setting up the Server for Mutations
    1. Understanding mutations and their purpose
    2. Configuring the server to handle mutation operations
  15. Lab 6: Setting up the Server for Mutations
    1. Implementing mutation resolvers
    2. Testing mutation operations from the server
  16. Making Mutations from a Client
    1. Sending mutation requests from the client-side
    2. Handling response data and error handling
  17. Best Practices for GraphQL
    1. Keeping the schema simple and focused
    2. Versioning and evolution strategies
    3. Caching and performance optimization techniques
    4. Security considerations and best practices
  18. Summary and Conclusion
    1. Recap of key concepts and learnings
    2. Further learning resources
    3. Questions and discussion

Required Prerequisites

  • Prior programming experience

Useful Prerequisites

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js

Length: 2 days | $80.00 per copy

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What is Included?
  • Student Manual
  • PowerPoint Presentation