Introduction to Spring 5, Spring Boot, and Spring REST

Introduction to Spring 5, Spring Boot, and Spring REST Courseware (SPR124)

This Spring 5 course starts with in-depth coverage of Spring’s Core module to reduce coupling and increase the flexibility, ease of maintenance, and testing of your applications. It goes on to cover many of the most important capabilities of Spring, including easing configuration with Spring Boot, integrating JPA persistence layers with Spring and Spring Data, and using Spring’s declarative transaction capabilities.

The course includes a solid introduction to Spring REST, and coverage of building RESTful resources. It also covers many of the details of Spring Boot, including how to create Boot-based POMs (Maven) for simplified dependency management, customizing Boot behavior, and understanding/managing Boot’s auto-configuration.

This course is hands on with labs to reinforce all the important concepts. It will enable you to build working Spring applications and give you an understanding of the important concepts and technology in a very short time.


  • Understand the core principles of Spring, and of Dependency Injection (DI) / Inversion of Control.
  • Use the Spring Core module and DI to configure and wire application objects (beans) together.
  • Learn the different types of metadata (XML, annotations/@Component, and Java Configuration/@Configuration), and how and when to use them.
  • Understand and use the complete capabilities of the Core module, such as lifecycle events, bean scopes, and the Spring API.
  • Use Spring Boot to simplify dependency management and configuration.
  • Understand and use Boot’s auto-configuration.
  • Customize Boot’s behavior with properties and in other ways.
  • Work with the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) module to integrate Spring with technologies such as JPA.
  • Use Spring Data to automatically generate JPA-based repository classes.
  • Understand and use Spring’s transaction support, including the easy-to-use Java annotation support.
  • Understand REST, and use Spring REST to build RESTful services.
  • Use Ajax-based front ends with Spring REST.
  • Use RestTemplate to create Java REST clients.


  1. Introduction to Spring
    1. Overview of Spring Technology
      1. Motivation for Spring, Spring Architecture
      2. The Spring Framework
      3. Maven and Spring
    2. Spring Introduction
      1. Declaring and Managing Beans
      2. ApplicationContexts - The Spring Container
      3. XML and @Component/@Named Config
    3. Dependencies and Dependency Injection (DI)
      1. Examining Dependencies
      2. Dependency Inversion / Dependency Injection (DI)
      3. DI in Spring - XML and @Autowired
    4. Spring Boot Quickstart
  2. Configuration in Depth
    1. Java Based Configuration (@Configuration)
      1. Overview, @Configuration, @Bean
      2. Dependency Injection
      3. Resolving Dependencies
    2. Integrating Configuration Types
      1. XML and @Component Pros/Cons
      2. @Configuration Pros/Cons
      3. Choosing a Configuration Style
      4. Integrating with @Import and
    3. Bean Scope and Lifecycle
      1. Singleton, Prototype, and Other Scopes
      2. Configuring Scope
      3. Bean Lifecycle / Callbacks
  3. Spring Boot Overview
    1. Spring Boot Overview
    2. Spring POMs with Boot Parents
    3. Spring Boot Starters
    4. SpringApplication – Apps With main()
    5. CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner
    6. Working with Properties
      1. Boot Property Files
      2. Using Application Properties
      3. Customizing Behavior with Boot Properties
  4. Spring Testing
    1. Testing and JUnit 5 Overview
      1. Writing Tests - Test Classes, asserts, Naming Conventions
      2. Running Tests - IDE, Maven, …
      3. Test Fixtures - setup and teardown
    2. Spring TestContext Framework
      1. Overview
      2. Configuration
      3. Running Tests
  5. Database Access with Spring/Boot
    1. Overview of Spring/Boot database support
      1. DataSources, Boot Auto-Configuration, and Custom Configuration
      2. Boot - Embedded Database
    2. Using Spring/Boot with JPA
      1. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration and Scanning
      2. Customizing the Configuration
      3. Creating a JPA Repository/DAO Bean - @PersistenceUnit, @PersistenceContext
    3. Spring Data Overview
      1. Overview and Architecture
      2. Configuring Spring Data
      3. Repositories and JPA Repositories
      4. Using CrudRepository
    4. Using Spring Data
      1. Naming Conventions for Querying
      2. Creating more Complex Queries
      3. Query Configuration
    5. Configuration Without Boot
      1. Managing the EntityManager (EM)
      2. LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean and Container-managed EMs
      3. JEE and JNDI Lookup of the EM
      4. Configuration and Vendor Adaptors
  6. Spring Transaction (TX) Management
    1. Overview
    2. Declarative TX Management (REQUIRED, etc.)
    3. TX Scope and Propagation
    4. Configuration and Boot Auto-Configuration
    5. Pointcut-based Configuration of Transactions
  7. RESTful Services with Spring
    1. REST Overview and Principles
    2. DispatcherServlet - Boot Auto-Config and Customization
    3. Requests and Responses - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    4. Spring’s REST API
    5. Spring support for REST
      1. @RequestMapping/@PathVariable, @RequestBody, @ResponseBody
      2. URI Templates and @PathVariable
      3. Controllers with @RestController
    6. Ajax Overview
  8. Working with JSON and XML
    1. Generating JSON
      1. JSON Overview
      2. JSON Representations for Resources
      3. Message Converters
    2. Generating XML
      1. JAXB and Jackson Message Converters for XML
      2. JAXB / @XmlRootElement
    3. Content Negotiation
  9. Java Clients for RESTful Services
    1. Client Requirements and Spring’s RestTemplate
    2. getForObject() / getForEntity()
    3. Other RestTemplate Methods
    4. Accessing Headers / exchange()
  10. Common REST Patterns
    1. GET: Read
    2. POST: Create
    3. PUT: Update
    4. DELETE: Delete
    5. Programming on server side, and client side (with RestTemplate)
  11. Boot Configuration and Customization
    1. Logging and its Configuration
    2. Profiles
    3. Other Configurations
  12. Spring Boot Web/Security
    1. Spring Boot Web
    2. Boot’s Embedded Servers
    3. Classic Spring MVC Configuration
    4. Spring Boot Security
    5. Spring Boot Data REST
  13. Additional Spring/Boot Features
    1. Updates to Spring Core
    2. WebFlux / Reactive Web Framework
    3. Boot Actuator

Required Prerequisites

Working knowledge of Java programming, including use of inheritance, interfaces, and exceptions.


Length: 5 days | $250.00 per copy

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What is Included?
  • Student Manual
  • Student Class Files
  • Extra Trainer Files
  • PowerPoint Presentation